Runanubandha - The Skin's Repository of Yogic Wisdom


        In the realm of yogic philosophies, the human body is not merely a vessel for existence; it is a sacred repository of experiences, memories, and energies. Among the enigmatic concepts that permeate this ancient tradition is "Runanubandha" – the intricate web of connections that binds individuals across lifetimes. At its core, Runanubandha underscores the interplay between the body, and the accumulation of karmic imprints.

    In exploring the depths of Runanubandha, one is confronted with the profound realization that the skin is not merely a physical barrier but a threshold between the external world and the inner realms of consciousness. According to yogic principles, the skin serves as a conduit through which impressions from the external environment are imprinted upon the subtle layers of the self. Every touch, sensation, and encounter leaves an indelible mark upon the tapestry of our being, etching itself into the fabric of our existence.

    In the yogic understanding, the body is not limited to its physical manifestation; it is a microcosm of the universe, a vehicle for spiritual evolution, and a vessel for the accumulation and release of energy. Just as a tree draws nourishment from the soil and experiences the changing seasons, so too does the body absorb vibrations from its surroundings and undergo transformative processes.

      Central to the concept of Runanubandha is the idea of Samskaras – the subtle impressions and imprints left upon the psyche by past experiences and actions. These Samskaras are believed to reside not only in the recesses of the mind but also within the cellular memory of the body, including the skin. Thus, the skin becomes a repository of not only physical sensations but the imprints of past deeds and emotions.

        In the practice of yoga, particularly through disciplines such as Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, practitioners seek to penetrate the layers of the skin to access the reservoir of stored information within the body. Through asanas, pranayama, and meditation, individuals aim to purify the body and mind, unravelling the knots of past conditioning and releasing the dormant energy held within.

    Furthermore, Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, recognizes the intimate connection between the skin and the doshas – the elemental forces that govern physiological and psychological functions. According to Ayurvedic principles, imbalances in the doshas can manifest as skin disorders, reflecting deeper disturbances in the subtle energies of the body.

- Tanmay Bhati


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