Anahad Naad (An Unstruck Sound)

"Listen to the Un-struck Sounds and What Sifts Through That Music"- Rumi
An unstruck sound, deep inside the matter, when closely examined through magnification, can bump your ears with the Soundless Sound of vibrations, These are the strings of the quarks, or so, The Anahad Naad, a cosmic sound, that depicts a completeness of oneself, One who can hear this Naad, is so extrasensory perceptible, that he can know the entire working of the cosmos, and attains Nirvikalpa Samadhi. -Tanmay Bhati

Anahada Naad, An Un-struck Sound -

    If you started out knowing everything theoretically, then there is no magic or wonder occurring in the cosmos. Here, I've connected the String Theory with the so-called Anahad Naada, a soundless sound. Since every particle in the universe, whether it contains life or not, is vibrating constantly. Additionally, practically everything in the universe has a fundamental sound that we are unable to perceive with our usual senses. As we move closer to the third eye through the heart chakra while in a meditative state, the Udaana (energy above prana) becomes engaged, making us more sensitive to sounds with a particular frequency. Every sound produced in the cosmos, whether it is a result of anything being struck or not, has a specific frequency. The range of frequencies that a human ear can hear is roughly 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, with the optimum hearing occurring for noises between 1,000 Hz and 5,000 Hz, which is the range where human speech is concentrated. However, other noises, such as Naad or Dhwani, are inaudible to the human ear. However, only a Siddh Purusha, a Yogi, or someone who has achieved Nirvikalpa Samadhi can hear these noises, which despite not being generated by the beating of any instruments or anything else in the cosmos, still sound like they are. Only those having hearing developed enough to hear that, which is not, can hear these Naad (sound). 

 "Just as the bee drinking the honey (alone) does not care for the odour, so the Chitta which is always absorbed in sound, does not long for sensual objects, as it is bound by the sweet smell of Nada and has abandoned its flitting nature." - Nada Bindu Upanashida

There may be numerous articles about focusing on and being aware of such voices that attribute practices to hearing Anahadh Naad. However, I would like to point out that it has more complex characteristics and is the subject of an entire science. Even if you deliberately practise, there is no guarantee that these Naada are Anahad. Because expecting anything has nothing to do with meditation. The Nirvikalp Samadhi is an absolute state of total Shoonya, and it is a state of thoughtlessness. 

Quantum String Theory - 

String theory will explain the fundamental nature of substance and life. Our physicality in terms of atoms and molecules has created a very nuanced part of life, so we are not just the lobe of meat. What we see when we take out a bit of an organ from our body is solid, right? Yes, using classical reasoning, we might come to the conclusion that it is solid, but are we certain that it is actually hollow inside?

Now, if we go closer and enlarge that organ fragment, we will see molecules, and if we look even closer, we will see that these molecules are formed of atoms. But have we put an end to it? No, the nuclei are buried inside the atoms. Neutrons make up each nucleus. Protons and neutrons make up each nucleus. And there are tiny particles called quarks inside these neutrons.

Strings Theory

As we magnify these quarks, string theory emerged, and what we see is a small filament of energy vibrating in the shape of a thread or string. However, this is not the end of the story. Thus, we deduced that quarks are nothing more than strings vibrating in a specific pattern and at a certain frequency. Therefore, if we consider a molecule or piece of matter in its whole, we find that it is nothing more than a Dancing Vibrating Symphony of Strings. In the end, this hypothesis leads you back to the big bang and even to the beginning of time. 

(Do You Know?
Ahad Naad - The sound is Genesis on striking something, music from guitar, ocean waves creating sound, etc.,
Anahata Naad - The un-struck or the unbeaten sound, that is not produced by striking or beating onto something. 
Naad - The essence of all sound'ontois a particular vibration, a fundamental frequency.)

Anahad Naad and The Internal Vibrations 

If you started out knowing everything theoretically, then there is no magic or wonder occurring in the cosmos. Here, I've connected the String Theory with the so-called Anahad Naada, a soundless sound. Since every particle in the universe, whether it contains life or not, is vibrating constantly. Additionally, practically everything in the universe has a fundamental sound that we are unable to perceive with our usual senses. As we move closer to the third eye through the heart chakra while in a meditative state, the Udaana (energy above prana) becomes engaged, making us more sensitive to sounds with a particular frequency. Every sound produced in the cosmos, whether it is a result of anything being struck or not, has a specific frequency. A person's ear can detect the environment we are in. Because of this, the setting in which you are meditating is equally crucial.
"Nothing can be achieved without the knowledge of the soul"

Internal Reverberations - 

According to some accounts, the sound of Anahad Naad is "Om" or "AUM," whereas other articles refer to the cosmic sound as being this. However, the Naad's true definition is given in the Nada-Bindu Upanishad. According to what it states, "Just as the bee drinking the honey (alone) does not care for the odour, so the Chitta, which is always absorbed in sound, does not long for sensual objects, as it is bound by the sweet smell of Nada and has abandoned its flitting nature."

(Note: Anahad Naad is also known as the sound of Shabd Brahm)

A person can feel the vibrations produced below the navel and flowing like a wave towards the head, where the Third Eye of Ajna is located, when "AUM" is chanted while maintaining consciousness. Each of us has a hidden sound that is associated with it, and since every form has a hidden sound, these hidden sounds resonate throughout everything. When there is vibration, there is sound. You discover the solution to anything and everything in this world right when these secret noises find expression in this complicated environment. Since you are tuned into the shape of sound, nothing is hidden from you. 

In Kundalini Yoga - 

    Anhad Naad is related to the seven chakras of Kundalini yoga, which channel from the base of the spine (Mooladhara Chakra) to the Sahasrar Chakra. Sushumna Nadi, which is centred on Ida and Pingala and continues to the Brahmarandhra, is where these chakras or plexuses pass. 

    The earth, water, and fire elements predominate over the three chakras located at the navel and below, including the Mooladhara (Root Chakra), Svadhishthana (Sacral Plexuses), and Manipura (Solar Plexuses). It is said that these tattva-dominated chakras are unable to hear Anhad Naad. Directly above the navel is where the Heart Chakra, also called the Anahata Chakra, is situated. This chakra, which is connected to the heart plexuses, is dominated by the Vayu tattva. It is said that this chakra is where Anahad Naad originates.

Anahata Chakra


As we are aware, there are around 72 000 energy channels, also known as Nadis, that pass via these channels and eventually connect to the nervous system. In addition to vibrating the Sushumna, the Heart Chakra's sound also causes sympathetic vibrations in the Ida, Pingala, and throughout the Naadis, which are transmitted to all of the body's cells. 

The complete science of this Naad can be experienced if one follows the practice as shown in Naad-Bindu Upanishad, which I will mention in my coming article. But remember it's just the journey and not the destination. Our motive is not just to experience these and practice, it's far bigger than that. We should genuinely meditate regularly, and be persistent in the Kriya. After all, the journey of the self, to meet the divine can only be accomplished through knowledge.

Tanmay Bhati

Other Articles From Yogacosmicscience:

14. The Anatomy of Sushumna Nadi.

15. Nuances of Yoga

16. Sattva Rajas Tamas.

17. Pranayama form Heart and Related Research.

18. Can I see the seven chakras physically and what are the associated frequencies with each chakra? 

19. Awareness is the key: how consciously we deal with yogic practices to increase awareness.

20. Physiology of a Child's Brain: The First Parenting Lesson is to Observe Them


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