Energy and Kundalini


Energy and Kundalini

Everything around us, including the silent mimicry of trees during the rainy season, the flow of water, the beauty of a rainbow, the free flow of an artist at his highest level of precision, the dance of the peacock, and the fragrance of a flower, transpires without flow when we are in our actual conditions, unquestionably in its most natural state, this is what Kundalini means. Kundalini awakening is not a process, it is the transformation of a physical being to an energy being, more subtly.  

A 2017 study published in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology looked at the connection between spiritual experiences and Kundalini activation. The research discovered a variety of spiritual experiences, including mystical encounters, feelings of oneness with the universe, and heightened intuition, was linked to Kundalini rising.

Kundalini and Energy

Kundalini" means "coiled serpent." At the base of the spine, robust and dormant energy is thought to reside. The chakras, or energy centres, in the body, rise when this energy is activated, finally reaching the top of the head. This process, referred to as Kundalini awakening, has a wide range of potential outcomes and transformations.

    The Journal of Consciousness Studies published an investigation of the neurophysiological changes connected to Kundalini's awakening in 2019. According to the study, Kundalini's awakening was linked to alterations in skin conductance, heart rate variability, and brain waves, indicating that it might involve a state of increased arousal and attentiveness.

        According to a 2019 study published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, practising Kundalini Yoga was linked to improvements in emotional regulation, stress management, and self-awareness in a sample of women with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    Kundalini Awakening aims to promote spiritual, psychological, and personal development. It can assist people in developing a deeper sense of life's purpose and fulfilment by allowing them to connect with their inner creativity, knowledge, and intuition. The Kundalini awakening experience, however, is particular to each person, and its results may differ based on various circumstances, including one's beliefs, mindset, and spiritual journey.

    When you are in sync with your body and mind. when you get in tune with the cosmic attire, and when you have mastered your thoughts, the state is known to be the natural state or free flow state. As Lao Tsu stated, "He has no decisions of his own, he is in tune with nature and everything happens exceptionally well" 

        Since the first chakra is supposed to be positioned at the base of the spine, there is a close relationship between the kundalini and the Chakras (also known as plexus). When the kundalini energy is awakened and active, it can move up via the chakras. Chakras are thought to be energy centres that run along the spine and are related to various facets of mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

However, it's a wider section and kundalini itself can't be taught or lectured. Since the process can be intense and possibly difficult, it is crucial to approach Kundalini's awakening with caution and direction from an expert instructor or practitioner. 

 -Tanmay Bhati


Other Articles From Yogacosmicscience:

14. Can I see the seven chakras physically and what are the associated frequencies with each chakra? 

15. Nuances of Yoga

16. Sattva Rajas Tamas.

17. Pranayama form Heart and Related Research.

18. Can I see the seven chakras physically and what are the associated frequencies with each chakra? 

19. Awareness is the key: how consciously we deal with yogic practices to increase awareness.

20. Physiology of a Child's Brain: The First Parenting Lesson is to Observe Them

21. The Anatomy of Sushumna Nadi.

22. Consciousness, Science and Yogic Science

23. May have read many number of books, even if you don't remember the story, the essence will always be with you. 

24. The Three Dosha's - Vata, Pitta, Kapha.


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