Headstand/Sirsasana: The case study

"People don't realise how wonderful their bodies are intended to feel; don't wait to find out."

It is said that your body is a tool that can align itself in many ways to tune itself with Cosmic Energy, thus these different forms of Asanas resemble the dance of life. I am happy to share with you one of these types, that will change you're being if practised carefully. 
 - Tanmay Bhati

My daily morning regimen which includes yoga has greatly improved my life. Yoga is, as its name implies, essentially the unification of the body, mind, and spirit. It translates as a means of fusing Jeevatma (our soul) with Parmatma in yogic terminology (cosmic energy). According to research, each asana when practised causes subtle changes in the body that the practitioner may feel but are difficult to describe in words. I would want to provide some insight into Sirsasana, often known as the headstand, one of the most significant Asanas in yoga, based on my 15 years of experience in this subject.

Yoga isn't about touching your toes; it's about what you learn on the way down, as the saying goes.

The King of Asana "Sirsasana" (Pronunciation: Shir-sa-asa-na)

I started practising this posture a few years ago. One of the most potent yoga poses, the headstand has the potential to lead to remarkable opportunities in daily life if practised frequently and safely. I won't just say this as an idiom; I'll actually explain how this pose alters mental processes and allows you to connect circuits that are activated and wired in response to your actions.


By reviving the lymphatic and circulatory systems of the human anatomy, this full-body inversion asana reroutes blood back to the heart and the brain, energising the entire body. Research has shown that this body inversion causes numerous favourable changes to the physiology and anatomy of the body. As a result, practising yoga regularly not only strengthens your immune system but also broadens your field of vision and your sense of perception.

(Note 1: Always keep in mind, if you are new then Sirsasana should only be practised under a trained yoga teacher or practitioner.)

(Note 2: When in the headstand position, breathe through the nose and not through the mouth.) 

Do you know Sirsasana is a favourite Asana of many yoga practitioners because of its innumerable benefits in personal as well as spiritual path? Let me mention a few most important aspects and benefits of this Asana so that you may know how good to start it as early as possible.

This one Asana has so many benefits, that you will love the way it makes you feel while performing. 

First: In Diabetes Control
As is well knowledge, diabetes is a condition that impairs the body's ability to make or utilise insulin.

Second: Activates Pituitary Gland
The Pituitary, also known as the master gland, is a hormone-secreting gland that is located right below the hypothalamus. It is known as the master gland because, in addition to secreting a variety of critical hormones, it also controls the activity of other glands throughout the body that release hormones. This gland has no ducts and releases hormones directly into the circulation. Located below the brain, the pea-sized gland is small.

        Weakness, mood swings, poor anorexia, inability to concentrate or focus, mental disease, bodily aches, nausea, dullness or low energy, and many other illnesses are frequently brought on by pituitary dysfunction. By reviving the nerve system and stabilising energy at the third eye, also known as the third eye chakra, Sirsasana/headstand triggered pituitary functions. It also regulates endocrine system operations.

Third: Stimulates the Crown Chakra also known as Sahasrara
This asana, which is also referred to as the crux of Hatha Yoga, awakens the Sahasrara, improving perception, intuition, and visual clarity. It is, so to speak, the essence of a yoga asana.

Fourth: Awakens Kundalini Shakti
It activates serpent strength, also known as kundalini shakti, and illuminates psychic faculties.

Fifthincreases mental power, mindfulness, and cognitive capacity due to increased blood flow to the brain. Increases vision, concentration, and attention.

Sixth: - Improves mental ability and is beneficial for nervous system activation. Boosts the nervous system as well as brain memory.

Seventh: Cures Multiple ailments and diseases
Colic, deafness, gonorrhoea, asthma, consumption, syphilis, and disorders of the eye, nose, head, throat, stomach, genitourinary system, liver, spleen, lungs, and renal systems are among the illnesses it treats.

Eighth: Digestive Fire-

"The digestive fire in the intestines (Jataragni) is the root of all the digestive fires in the body. As it causes the increase or decrease of the elemental and tissue digestive fires it should be treated with great care."      - Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita

According to Ayurveda, the thirteen different types of digestive fires are balanced by performing this asana, Jataragni, which is seen as the foundation of perfect health.

Ninth: Improves Metabolism Functions
Sirsasana facilitates lymphatic system flow. The lymphatic system helps to eliminate waste from our bodies. Thus, performing this asana aids in stimulating the lymphatic system. As a result, it hastens the removal of waste from the body, increasing metabolism.

Tenth: Increases blood flow to the head owing to inversion and improves blood circulation throughout the body. 
Poor blood circulation inside the body is the cause of several diseases. Because blood must travel to numerous parts of the body and encounters resistance as it moves from the legs to the torso and then to the brain due to gravity, this asana, when performed inverted, facilitates blood flow to the scalp and also calms the blood vessels in the brain. Moreover, it aids in blood cleansing.

Eleventh: helps to alleviate issues with our uterus and ovaries. Also aids in eliminating the sterility factor.

TwelfthAs you can easily connect the previously mentioned factor—that when you are so much more active in life and experience less resistance in living, the ageing of the skin, bruising, and other things automatically slow down—it also slows down the ageing process.

(Note 3: Always breathe slow and deep while performing asana, and be mentally aware of your inhalation and exhalation)

 Limitations and Precautions: 

*Nothing is perfect when it first enters the earth. Similar to this Asana, it has flaws in terms of the ideals it strives towards.
*Before beginning to consider or practise this asana, those with glaucoma, detached retinas, chronic thyroid issues, neck or shoulder injuries, have had any surgery, or have abnormal blood pressure should speak with a doctor. 
*This pose requires balance, so if you struggle with the balance you should actively seek assistance from a wall and someone else to begin the practice. 
*Anyone experiencing neck or back pain should refrain from doing this pose until the problem has been resolved. 
*This pose should be avoided during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle.

       I thoroughly based the case study of Sirsasana (Headstand) on my years of expertise and actual study of it throughout my training sessions. I've been able to sustain this pose for about 45 minutes while still maintaining my grasp for five to six years. Trust me, there are many more advantages to this pose than I have listed here. Start by holding this position for 5 to 10 seconds, then gradually extend it based on your stamina. This exercise has several forms, including supported headstand Salamba Sirsasana, variations of Salamba Sirsasana, Niralamba Sirasasana, Eagle Headstand, and many more.

        According to some, your body is a tool that can adjust itself in a variety of ways to tune into cosmic energy, which is why these many Asanas mimic the dance of life. I'm glad to share one of these with you since it will alter who you are if you do it thoughtfully and with awareness.

Tanmay Bhati


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