Trividha Nadi's - Ida, Pingala and Sushumna

The fundamental question is, in a day, how much of your thoughts, emotion, physical activity, breath, heartbeat and everything else is conscious. - Sadhguru

The Nadi's that  has always kept me captivating. It's like when i was in school, I heard about Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi. But then these were mere mysteries, because Yoga was then unknown to me. Then after years of practicing, the series of asana, and keeping awareness of breath while maintaining the mahamudra, I began feeling the zilt of these Nadi's. I came across a subtle feeling that can only be felt and cant be explained. The left and right part inside my body are being distributed in genealogical form. It made me sensitive to vibration, and these vibrations were happening in these nadi's that brought change in me, a change impossible to explain with mere words. - Tanmay Bhati 

Ida, Pingla and Sushumna Nadi

If we are not living in our bodies, honoring them as our temple. We are closing off the divine channels (Nadis) that run through us. Additionally when we are not in good physical shape, we limit our enjoyment of our life experience. This yoga is spiritual and physical. - Author, Dashama Konah Gordon.

Nadi, is derived from "Nad Dhatu" in Sanskrit, which means to flow something inside a structure. Thus, from many nadis inside a human body Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna are the chief nadis as a whole. These nadis meet at a point at Ajna chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, located bw the forehead. However, Sushumna nadi is hidden and is in connection with the nervous system of the body alaong with the Ida and the Pingal

Nadi's as the Life Force -

There are about 72,000 nadis (subtle channels of prana [energy]) that convey the life force in a human being. Ida, pingala, and sushumna are also called the three principal nadi's. The ending point of the three main nadi's is brahmarandhra (the “Brahmic aperture”), at the crown of the head. 

    In the state of nirvikalpa samadhi, part of the energies passing through these three channels is absorbed in the single para or Amrita nadi.

Ida - 

It functions to control all mental processes of human mechanisms. It is related to the left nostrils and is situated or initiated from the left of Sushumna, revolving and meeting it at Ajna. It is in connection with the parasympathetic activities of the body.

Pingala -

It gives physical strength, energy, vitality and efficiency to the body. It is at the Sushumna's right side, which also meets it at Ajna Chakra. It manages the sympathetic activities of the body.  

Sushumana - 

This Nadi is hidden, and is initiated from the root chakra, also called the Mooladhar chakra and ends at the Brahmarandhra. Sushumana is in connection with the Spinal column and its activities. 

Further studies indicated that these nadis are in connection with the nervous system and have an anatomical location within the body. 

Other Articles From Yogacosmicscience:

14. The Anatomy of Sushumna Nadi.

15. Nuances of Yoga

16. Sattva Rajas Tamas.

17. Pranayama form Heart and Related Research.

18. Can I see the seven chakras physically and what are the associated frequencies with each chakra? 

19. Awareness is the key: how consciously we deal with yogic practices to increase awareness.

20. Physiology of a Child's Brain: The First Parenting Lesson is to Observe Them


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