
Showing posts from June, 2020

May have read many number of books, even if you don't remember the story, the essence will always be with you.


The seven limbs of Gheranda Samhita


Yin and Yang With regards to Chakra (In Context with Shiva and Shakti)


Physiology of a Child's Brain: The First Parenting Lesson is to Observe Them

Experts tell us that 90 % of all brain development occurs by the age of five. If we don't begin thinking about education in the early years, our children are at risk of falling behind by the time they start Kindergarten - Bob Ehrlich

Pineal Gland, The Third Eye (Consciousness and beyond)

I Have Three Eyes,  One To Look, Two To See                                        -Bellamor

Gherand Samhita- The seven limbs to attain meditative consciousness - Notes from my Self Study


Sarvangasana/Shoulder-stand: The Mother of Asanas- Research Analysis

"Sarvangasana, As the mother struggles throughout her life for the happiness of her children, 'the Mother of asanas' strives  for peace and health of the body".  -Gita Iyengar sarvangasana

Bhujangasana / The Cobra Pose: This One Asana will take care of your Spinal Column throughout your life (It's Anatomy and Research)


The Big Bang and The evolution


Dopamine: This one chemical all you need to know for healthier and happier life.

" Once you understand the power and peril of dopamine, you'll better understand the human condition itself" —Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and When I emotionally feel the madness of this chemical and it's something I wanna be in, once I understand the very basics of my body's internal chemistry. How this is released and utilized in my brain and how with the mere techniques of yoga, meditation, and pranayama I could have control of this  Master  N eurotransmitter . Chemical Messenger The master chemical is dopamine , also known as a monoamine neurotransmitter, which is generated from amino acids. This molecule is produced by your body, and your nervous system uses it to deliver messages between nerve cells under certain circumstances. Thus, Chemical Messenger is another name for it. Chemical Formula of Dopamine The pleasure and reward responses are connected to the feel-good neurotransmitter. I will refer to it as the "Master Chemical" because it has se...

Paschimottanasana/Seated Forward Bend Yoga Asana - Case Study of its Anatomy and Physiology

Yoga Involves More Than Just Touching Your Toes It's About What You Discover Down Below

Anahad Naad (An Unstruck Sound)

"Listen to the Un-struck Sounds and What Sifts Through That Music"- Rumi An unstruck sound, deep inside the matter, when closely examined through magnification, can bump your ears with the Soundless Sound of vibrations, These are the strings of the quarks, or so, The Anahad Naad, a cosmic sound, that depicts a completeness of oneself, One who can hear this Naad, is so extrasensory perceptible, that he can know the entire working of the cosmos, and attains Nirvikalpa Samadhi. -Tanmay Bhati   Anahada Naad, An Un-struck Sound -     If you started out knowing everything theoretically, then there is no magic or wonder occurring in the cosmos. Here, I've connected the String Theory with the so-called Anahad Naada, a soundless sound. Since every particle in the universe, whether it contains life or not, is vibrating constantly. Additionally, practically everything in the universe has a fundamental sound that we are unable to perceive with our usual senses. As we move closer...

Headstand/Sirsasana: The case study

"People don't realise how wonderful their bodies are intended to feel; don't wait to find out."