Aghori, Shiva and Tantra

        The Aghoris are a religious sect in India that worships Lord Shiva, a prominent deity in Hinduism. They are known for their unconventional and ascetic practices, which often involve rituals and behaviors that might seem extreme or taboo to many people. Aghoris believe that by embracing these practices, they can attain spiritual enlightenment and a deep connection with Lord Shiva.

Aghori, Shiva and Tantra

"I am neither good nor bad, I am what I AM"

        Yes, Aghori practices are a unique and often controversial sect of Hinduism that explores unconventional and extreme methods of spiritual awakening. Kundalini's awakening in the context of Aghori practices is considered a powerful and transformative process. 

The Practices -

1. Tapas and Austerities -

   - Aghoris believe that Kundalini awakening is a result of intense tapas or austerities. These practices often involve severe penances, fasting, meditation, and devotion to a chosen deity. Aghoris believe that these practices purify the mind and body, preparing them for the Kundalini awakening.

2. Meditation and Visualization -

   - Aghoris emphasizes meditation and visualization techniques. The practitioner may focus on the chakras, especially the root chakra, imagining a serpent coiled at the base of the spine, which represents the dormant Kundalini energy. The visualization is combined with mantras and breath control to awaken this energy.

3. Rituals and Agni -

   Fire rituals play a significant role in Aghori practices. Aghoris may engage in fire ceremonies, known as Agni Sadhana, to invoke the fire element, which is believed to activate the Kundalini energy. This may involve offering substances like alcohol, meat, and other taboo items to the fire.

4. Physical Practices -

  Some Aghori sects may incorporate physically demanding practices into their sadhana (spiritual practice). These practices aim to purify the physical body and release energy blockages. This could include rituals such as sitting on funeral pyres or smearing oneself with cremation ashes.

5. Guru-Disciple Relationship -

   Aghori teachings stress the importance of a guru (spiritual teacher) who guides the disciples through the Kundalini awakening process. The guru imparts knowledge, ensures the safety of the practitioner, and helps them navigate the intense experiences associated with Kundalini awakening.

6. Transgressive and Taboo Practices 

   - Aghoris are known for their willingness to break societal taboos and norms. This can include practices that some might find disturbing or repulsive, like consuming human remains. Aghoris believe that by embracing the taboo, they transcend societal conditioning and awaken their Kundalini.

        Aghoris see their way of life as a form of devotion to Shiva and refer to it as "Shiva science" or "Shiva tantra." This belief is rooted in the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected, and by embracing what others might perceive as impure or unclean, they can transcend dualities and reach a state of oneness with the divine.

- Tanmay Bhati


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