Pendulum and Sub Consciousness

Pendulum and Sub Consciousness 

Using a pendulum as a tool for exploring past lives or inner selves/feelings is often associated with pendulum dowsing, a practice rooted in divination and personal exploration. The belief is that the pendulum can act as a conduit to access subconscious information and provide insights. Here's a general explanation of how it is thought to work:


1. Subconscious communication: It is believed that the pendulum taps into the user's subconscious mind, which holds vast amounts of information that may not be readily accessible at a conscious level. The pendulum's movement is said to reflect the subconscious responses to questions or inquiries.


2. Micro-muscular movements: The pendulum is often held by a string or chain, allowing it to swing freely. The theory is that subtle micro-muscular movements in the user's hand or body cause the pendulum to move. These movements are thought to be influenced by the subconscious mind and can provide answers or insights.


3. Establishing communication: Before using the pendulum, individuals often establish a baseline response pattern. This involves asking simple yes or no questions to determine the pendulum's movement for affirmative and negative responses. Once the baseline is established, the user can proceed with more specific inquiries.


4. Asking targeted questions: By asking specific questions related to past lives, inner selves, emotions, or other aspects of personal exploration, individuals seek responses from the pendulum. The pendulum's movement, such as swinging back and forth, side to side, or in circles, is interpreted based on the predetermined response pattern established during the baseline.


5. Interpreting the responses: Interpretation the pendulum's movements largely relies on the user's intuition or understanding of the chosen response pattern. The swing direction, amplitude, speed, or even subtle changes in movement may be interpreted as meaningful responses to the questions asked.


 It's important to note that the effectiveness and accuracy of pendulum dowsing in uncovering past lives or inner selves/feelings are highly subjective and vary among individuals. Skeptics attribute the responses to ideomotor movements or unconscious biases, while proponents believe in their ability to access more profound levels of consciousness. 

 It's advisable to approach such practices with an open mind and use them as a tool for self-reflection rather than absolute truth.

- Tanmay Bhati


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17. Pranayama from Heart and Related Research.

18. Can I see the seven chakras physically and what are the associated frequencies with each chakra? 

19. Awareness is the key: how consciously we deal with yogic practices to increase awareness.

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21. The Anatomy of Sushumna Nadi.

22. Consciousness, Science, and Yogic Science

23. May have read many books, and even if you don't remember the story, the essence will always be with you. 

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